Wouldn't be possible to capture brain commands without having to get the signal directly from the brain (aka without brain implants)? For instance, if you want to move your arm, the sign moves from your brain through your spine until reaches your brain. Wouldn't be possible to intercept the signal in the spine? Or the sign at this point is just too noisy for us to the decode? In any case, it seems it should be possible – our body can decode.
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 09:14:20 GMT
No. 25501499
>moves from your brain through your spine until reaches your arm
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 12:00:27 GMT
No. 25502044
You can do it with electric field registration. Basically EEG can be trained on brain activity to control some coarse actions, like moving a cursor on a 2D screen. Doesnt need implants, just a hat with some wires.
For finer more granular process reading you'd need implants since skull only allows you to register larger spots of synchronous activity, and mostly from the surface.
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 12:03:50 GMT
No. 25502050
Another option is fMRI, it is three-dimensional so it can look deeper, and maybe more detailed depending on the tomograph model and calibration. It works by detecting an increase in "water factor" of a brain voxel, which happens very quickly as more blood flow is directed to a part with increased workload/oxygen consumption.
But that obviously requires an MRI machine which is industrial equipment tier