Bernds are worried about turd world immigration, but perhaps they should be more worried about garchs moving to and inflating prices where they live. Actually both suck.
my friend went to college in Grand Forks. he told me one time he coulnt get into his apartment because the key hole had gotten filled with ice
Bunch of retirees innit? I think there was even something about them wanting golf courses in such a dry place
And of course northern AZ is much more pleasant, a place like Flagstaff seems great
>>25500816>Flagstaff seems great
it sucks, its so far above sea level that if you get outside during the summer without a big hat and sunscreen on you get skin cancer in about half an hour.
and in winter its cold af because its so dry
what's a home?
some shit like "average home?
are people content with living in an average american home?
what's a "income"? annual income? disposable income? median income?
are people content with living with this kind of "income"?
They live probably better than you do, you aren’t on par with the very rich whites of the coasts, you’re more like the flyovers at least in terms of wealth and likely poorer