I like it. It’s the reason I might hit legend. Just nukes everything like a faggot. But you can only play it when not under pressure is it’s main downside. Shaman bobed it against me and tripled the battle cry. That’s why I run the demon in all my ETC’s. If your low on cards or get 9 fucking bombs put into your deck like me. You just play it and laugh. I bet that guy was so mad. I won that game too obvi. By a hair but it’s like fuck you faggot. I missed most of my starship pieces too. lol.
An actual tip. If you play beefy creatures. And you’re facing a deck that might play mind control tech. Don’t play more than 3. So you win instead of lose. Gotta play around shit. I knew a hunter put down frozen trap. So I just played my zillax and didn’t attack with it for 2 turns. This dudes a pacifist lol. I played bomb guy so it got put back into my hand instead. And replayed it. Then he conceded. lol.