germans are buck broken and basically on life support.
it was over in 45.
like a demented 84 yr old granny who is about to die. what we're witnessing is just the fading out of Germans after ww2. every 2nd person in my city isnt german. the afd wont do shit, cant do shit.
>but we did it with the jews too!
no, there were only a few hundred thousand jews in the reich which were deported. but now we have about a quarter of non-germans in germany, aka about 20 million.
it is literally impossible to deport all browns. legally, logistically and ESPECIALLY socially. it is impossible.
yesterday i was on the train from leverkusen to cologne, reading mein kampf on my ereader. next to me, on the opposite side of the train there was a 40 to 50 yo woman, in front of me there was a german boomer, same age. a loud african nigger baboon sat down right in front of this woman to my left even tho there was more space there, and started bix nooting to his nigger friend who was standing next to him. the sitting nigger sat right in front of the woman and he realized he was making her uncomfortable with his drunk chimp out and literally asked her in english
>why are you so anxious???
in an aggressive manner while pointing his finger in her face. the cuck german boomer in front of me got up and left (before the woman did). germans are utter cucks. his standing nigger friend at least scolded the drunk nigger immediately to be fair tho.
anyway, its over. germany lost and like i said this is just the slow fade out.
the only thing that aware germans as individuals can do now is to adopt a "ride the tiger" mentality. or the german version of it called "heroic realism" coined by Ernst Jünger, which stands for
>Ausharren auf verlorenem Posten
>holding out at a lost position
meaning that you shoot back and fight, not because you will win or because it is morally right, but because it is the only way to go out aesthetically with dignity.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:35:24 GMT
No. 25497805
>it is literally impossible to deport all browns. legally, logistically and ESPECIALLY socially. it is impossible
If you were to time travel, say 50 years, into the past and told people what the modern world is like they'd think you escaped a mental institution. This is why the left is so desperate to crush and silence anything right of center. Because all those things we think of as impossible just require a bit of work and time.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:43:32 GMT
No. 25497829
>it is literally impossible to deport all browns
You still can win in civil war. But I think hou have really small amount of time for this.
The Ausländer problem can't be solved anymore at this point. That's why I have decided to become Ausländer myself.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:46:57 GMT
No. 25497844
Albania has Ausländer problem,?
ach Bernd, consider chinese empire had times where han chinese were in minority and still they managed to survive. Vom Chinesen lernen, heisst ueberleben lernen! But not of course from comunist scumshit red china, but from best china. FREE TAIWAN!
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:50:43 GMT
No. 25497862
Chinks are not ethnicity, they are a state tradition. If you look at them closer, you will see chinks were always multiethnical as fuck.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:51:02 GMT
No. 25497865
I have raused myself already.
>le funny all Swissballs are Albanians meme
Yes I am. Und weida?
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:52:52 GMT
No. 25497871
Why are you complaining about the Albanian meme? You are the one who enforced it, now you suffer its consequences. Seems like you just turn your head towards the least resistance.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:54:27 GMT
No. 25497874
I have created a monster that I cannot control anymore.
Not an insult for me :3
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:55:14 GMT
No. 25497876
Of course it is not an insult to you, as you just turn your head away in another direction.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 12:56:50 GMT
No. 25497884
I was told the word comes from us using our long Hals to look above the Bodensee to see what is going on.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 14:07:44 GMT
No. 25498107
No because I need my scholarship to learn Chinese in Taiwan. If you want to defeat Japan you must defeat us first. When China falls, Taiwan will rule all of Asia forever.
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 14:18:12 GMT
No. 25498139
The country is absolutely done for, agreed.
>the only thing that aware germans as individuals can do now is to adopt a "ride the tiger" mentality.
accelerationism, burn everything to the ground and fuck off
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 15:42:47 GMT
No. 25498416
Han Chinese isn’t real it’s Literally an umbrella term like Arab and Turk, you dumb fucking germ
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:39:55 GMT
No. 25500811
good fucking riddance, I hope the netherlands is next
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:41:14 GMT
No. 25500815
>reading mein kampf
That's why your ancestors lost
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:42:52 GMT
No. 25500819
Give me more migrants, I hate you incel losers. I hope the german race ceases to exist soon. Die die die, fuck Europeans and every other race too, DIE. Total human extinction now
Mon, 24 Feb 2025 02:49:37 GMT
No. 25500836
You are correct but shooting back and fighting is suicide when the state hates you. And even if by a miracle you took over the state there would just be another war and this time you would be nuked. The right thing to do is what some people have already been doing for years: establish a healthy family and live as independently from the system as possible. A borderline amish lifestyle except don't abandon all technology and don't be a christcuck who doesn't discern ethnicity.
Some idiots will say "and leave the country to them?" but the country is already gone. If you want to save the land your best hope is destroying the current state asap so that the support network that made all those foreigners possible collapses. And when it does you have to ensure you get rid of any who would support it. So the best case scenario is literally economic collapse followed by a civil war meant to erradicate leftists, cuckservatives like the CDU who love niggers just as much and any remaining browns/jews. If we are being honest that is likely not happening though so just pray for economic collapse to at least stop gibs. And do your part by not paying taxes, just be smart about it