today it was +13C here but its fake.
maybe at city center with bunch of buses idling among buildings it was +13, but once you move along the streets, bone crushing, bone shaker arctic constant wind enters into your body through garment. yeah, i have to wear arctic, wind stopper gear with 3 layers of fleece and underwear thermo wear.
i would rather have +40c right now
dont live in overpacked city with cars, monkeys, buses.
i threw out every singgle a/c my relative used to install, never use car a/c either. just open the window>>25495580
Yeah real life is real life, you do whatever you have to do in order to survive including jumping out of your car when you have more than 10 seconds of warning that you are about to be crushed. Unfortunately she was a woman that doesn't understand simple physics.
This one was based, the guy was happy the cops got killed because they caused the accident. Then the cops later when and blamed the accident on the guy filming instead and fabricated "evidence" that he was on drugs lol
nah, they blamed the wog driving the truck, who was high on drugs
but he shouldn't have been charged since he was dispensing justice
i've experienced temperatures above 30C and even above 40C and it is pleasant, especially when you have a body of water to swim (which every human should). however the suffering when a human is cold (which means the human experiences temperature below +28C) is absolutely otherworldly