I can only commend you for seeking as best you can to ascertain factual confirmation or refutation of the meme posted. However, the fact of the Jesuit eradication of the historical record appears not to have registered with you, as the ongoing and incessant manipulation of the record today by sources as varied as Cell, and Wikipedia, make impossible a quick search and confidence in the first few citations.
The reality of the history of institutions, and without doubt the Catholic Church that is today widely claimed to be responsible for ~25% of all convictions for pederasty and child rape *in the world* stems from millennia of corruption, treachery, and infiltration by the worst of the evil criminals that have sought that power the Church possessed in the world for those millennia.
Do not be transfixed on feeble memes that but point to the cruel torments and betrayals of humanity, but to the reality of the usurpation of the just powers of sovereign people by an institution that no one denies has burned people alive and claimed Jesus told them to do it.
What of the pederasty demonstrably infesting the Church today? Given the known generational concealment of these crimes most horrific against children entrusted by their loving parents to that betrayal endemic to that utterly deranged and evil usurpation of all that is good and holy by evil sacrificial lust of syphilitic faggots, relic salesman, and the most prolific slave owners the world has ever known until the USA gained that title by the corruption and concealment of the exception to the ban on slavery by calling it legal for governments to enslave anyone and everyone convicted of a crime.
Of all things you should err towards, it should be confidence in the corruption of institutions that have perpetuated all that is worst and most reprehensible of the crimes against humanity good, innocent children have suffered, and then to demand probative evidence the powerful protesting their innocence are not indeed the guilty, and worst vermin that have ever left a slime trail on a boy's butt.