>In 1986, you were sovoks.
So were you. And sovok polls are sovok polls.
I'm not interested in schizobabble when Russians were a thing before soviets. And before "Ukrainians".
>Yet, you
I'm not entertaining your projections, you're a literal cockhole, remember?
>True, but you're not a nationalist, even russian one.
Because you said so, sure.
>Nationalists seek their own agency, you want your masters to destroy agency of other nations and in the meantime put russians abroad at risk.
Nice projection, but you have masters and opinions they taught you.
Russians offered Ukraine one too many choices, meanwhile your masters staged not one, but two coups and denied Ukrainians an honest choice. As a continuation of soviet tradition.
Ukrainians don't care about themselves either. They speak Russian among themselves, and freely bomb their civvies for wanting out.
They want everyone and their dog to attack Russians at the expense of themselves.
If people need to have agency, why do the glowies spawn so many NGOs to shill? Oh, people may have wrong opinions, I know.
>Nationalism was a catalyst.
Hogwash. The only catalyst was USSR breaking and nomenklatura sharing their fiefs.
>Weird statement, coming from a dweller of the country with soviet anthem
Weird statement to lie about it when you don't even know Russian anthem.
Classic cockhole.
>and rotting corpse of the first communist leader right in the center of the capital.
The Ukraine has no Lenin, but somehow still lives by his politics. Curious.
>No sovoks, no churkas, no bottle in the ass.
So you're not talking about Ukraine, gotcha.