Rust for Linux has no future.
Linus killed it with weak leadership, allowing Cniles to drive away Rust people.
Cniles killed it by being Cniles.
A clean cut is needed, Rust people will write their own OS sooner or later and replace Linux.
It will happen quicker than people think since Linux has a lot of bloat that isn't required, a new OS can be a lot leaner.
>I think that will kill the kernel in the long run.
The failure to move to a better development process will, not the botched attempt at improving it.
>You can't rewrite a kernel driver in Rust that hasn't already been written in C. Rust troons can't write drivers and C boomers can't write Rust.
"Rust troons" are superior coders to your average Cnile. Ofc they write drivers from scratch. Just look at the GPU driver for arm macbooks. Rust filters people for intelligence since the language is very difficult to master.
>Enjoy long compile times
Dumb myth. Rust compile times improved due to multiple efforts in multiple areas.
Compile times are still a bit longer than in most other languages, but that's entirely on purpose. The Rust compiler checks 9001 things for you, producing vastly higher quality code.
My Rust project compiles under 1 second, since it's set up properly.
Compile time is an absolute non-issue.
>and prefixing literally everything in the kernel with UNSAFE
You clearly do not understand the need for unsafe at all.
You need unsafe rust in drivers specifically since the compiler cannot gurantee hardware behaviour. If your hardware directly copies shit into memory with DMA, guess what, has to be unsafe code.
Using "unsafe" for this is rust's design working as intended: It gives you safety gurantees by default where possible. But for direct hardware access, this safety gurantee cannot be uphold technically.
So Rust allows you to selectively drop it to write your driver without having to change the language.
Unsafe code is a small portion of the driver usually, the majority can be safe code.
The benefits over using C is still huge.
>UNSAFE multiple times in each line of code because you need to do unsafe things in a fast kernel.
Do you suffer from severe mental retardation? Rust offers zero-cost abstractions, unsafe in non-driver kernel code is not required whatsoever. You also don't have to spam unsafe, you wrap unsafe code in a block.
>Why change a system that is working for 25 years? Makes no sense to me.
C was designed on a PDP-11 with a few kb of memory.
It was intended for simple, small programs you can keep entirely in your head.
Writing millions of lines of code in it is retarded.
You need higher level abstractions to not produce 9001 bugs and reason reasonably over your overall problem.
But the solution is not to re-write linux. It will be a new OS from scratch in Rust.