Are there are any games that have lots of minigames? Like "games inside a game" type of thing.
I know GTA and stuff like Fable or Fallout has a bunch of minigames in it, like you can gamble in NV but this types of things is mostly inconsequential. I guess JRPGs are like that but I don't like them much. I remember I played Shadow Hearts 2 PS2 and that game was chock full of stuff, characters had their own playstyle and unique systems, or like Pokemon had its stuff like contests and safari and whatnot.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:42:54 GMT
No. 25488101
Yakuza games fit the criteria, I guess.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:47:50 GMT
No. 25488106
>games inside a game
damn the only thing that comes to mind is the in-depth naval battle minigame from pillars of eternity 2 which i enjoyed quite a bit but heard a lot of people didn't like it. but it's just one minigame, not multiple
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 02:58:29 GMT
No. 25488128
Recent Mario games have been so shitty they had to put tons of minigames into them to somewhat justify a purchase.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 03:06:36 GMT
No. 25488138
You should try WarioWare. The entire game is about minigames, well, ''microgames'' to be exact.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 03:17:53 GMT
No. 25488146
Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver had a minigame called voltorb flip. It was a lot of fun.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 03:54:31 GMT
No. 25488193
In The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (my beloved) the missions consist of several smallgames in different genres (dungeon crawler, puzzle, action shooter) that you can play at will. There's also two gambling minigames, which are not insignificant since the goal itself for most of the game is to amass a bunch of money to pay off a debt, and a couple more minigames that are used to level up your, uh, party. It's really fun, but could be longer.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 03:57:06 GMT
No. 25488196
In The Misadventures of Tron Bonne (my beloved) the missions consist of several smallgames in different genres (dungeon crawler, puzzle, action shooter) that you can play at will. There's also two gambling minigames, which are not insignificant since the goal itself for most of the game is to amass a bunch of money to pay off a debt, and a couple more minigames that are used to level up your, uh, party. It's really fun, but could be longer. Seemed to last forever as a kid, tho.
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 14:19:40 GMT
No. 25489426
The Spy Fox series has plenty minigames. Bernd had many fun in it. Torrents of it exist last time Bermd saw
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 14:34:02 GMT
No. 25489472
Ultrakill has inside a visual novel, a platformer, a fishing game, a horror game, a riddle game (kinda like talos principle), also a sandbox but it's very basic.