I am not antiscience. I am antidogma. Dogma is the antithesis of science, a denial of the scientific method, which, in a nutshell, is undertaking to verify claims through replicable experiment that provide evidence that do not refute the claims.
I am, frankly, shocked that the self proclaimed 'Father of the Jabs' Trump proudly says he is, has ordered the complete cessation of federal funding for every school that mandates jabs for it's students.
I am utterly and profoundly dismayed at his proclamation that Gaza will be ethnically cleansed by the US and turned into a paradise for 'people of the area', but not Palestinians, whose ancestral homelands Gaza has been since prehistory, but certainly will include the Name Stealers, who claim to be Jews, but, like Benjamin Miliekowski, are of Eastern European ancestry and have violently and with insuperable cruelty, dispossessed the Palestinian people from their homeland in the most vile theft of real property known in modern history.
Hopefully he will see the error of such genocidal crime against humanity, but he follows in the footsteps of his father, Fred Trump, who groveled to the Russian emigres who's Talmudic deception fully revealed their nature as Name Stealers. I do not at all expect that Zionist leopard to change his spots of a sudden now, and am resigned to the eventual necessity to hold him to account for genocidal crimes against humanity in the event he even attempts to do what he says in that regard, because I am utterly thrilled that he has unleashed DOGE to eradicate every fraud from the federal government. I dare not hope that the vile trough feeder at the MIC the Elon is won't sooner or later direct the immense potential for fraudulent profits to his pockets, and note Thiel in the background feasting on dead Palestinian children transformed into multi-billion dollar contracts for Palantir software designed to create crimes against humanity.
If only Trump weren't a Zionist, if the Elon weren't almost solely sucking at the teat of MIC contracts and creating a global surveillance network of satellites that make the even more vile Larry Ellison cum in his panties at the prospect of loosing AI to surveil every human being everywhere and prosecute every least transgression that will transform sovereign people into hapless slaves of inhuman machinery directly modeled on Skynet.
Gott mitt uns.