Good genes are genes that are:
A. Prone to replicate themselves via sexual selection
That's it. This includes surviving long enough to reproduce.
Today, most people die of natural causes at an advanced age, with ample opportunities to reproduce.
Attractive men have good genes, because more women allow them to impregnate their bodies, which replicates their genes. These things are usually tied to physical characteristics that once had a survival aspect (well developed jaw for chewing, tall to defend yourself and your offspring, a masculine face to signal both high testosterone and also a good immune system, because testosterone is immunosuppressive, so fending off diseases = having a symmetrical face, while under the influence of high serum testosterone means good immune system, intelligence = ability to survive, provide resources to the woman and your offspring, rise to the top of social hierarchies...)
Honor or the lack of honor, can't be passed onto your children. The only thing you would inherit from this kind of mother would be above average genes for looks, because she was able to earn money with her looks, a fast life history strategy, and probably light personality disorder problems as her behavior is not indicative of an optimal female mating pattern, so she probably has some mental problems, which are heritable.
If you meet new people who don't know your mother, they would treat a highly attractive man (even with slight personality problems) a lot better than they would a highly unattractive individual. They would perceive the attractive man to have a better personality via the halo effect, all of these effects are only enhanced in a reproductive context.
You're probably onto something