I once heard an anecdote that some German Saxon unit put up signs (or maybe sent messages) to an opposing British force saying something to the effect of "We are Saxons, you are Anglo-Saxons. If you miss, we'll miss." Basically one of those attempts at a "we get shot at by arrangement" scenarios, but I thought the Saxon/Anglo-Saxon thing was interesting.
one love brother
im sorry we fought
we wont make that mistake again
On 20th June 1915, Saxon 53. Reserve-Division relieved 3. Bayer. (Bavarian) Infanterie-Division in this sector, which they held until 16th July. Sector boundaries were approximately as per the map below. According to their regimental history, RIR 241 were surprised to be greeted by a board reading ‘Guten Morgen Sachsen’ in the British front line the next morning!
love from my great grandad Jack who fought in the Royal Warwickshires