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Due to the rapid advancement of AI captchas are getting harder to solve. The other day I wanted to log in to my battle net account lI don't even like Diablo but some relatives asked me to play with them and I wanted to be nice) since I couldn't remember my password I tried to recover it. It asked me to solve 20 puzzles, in each of them 12 images of dice are shown to you, and you have to pick the image where the dice add up to a specific number (the numbers range from 20 to 40) How is bernt coping with this?

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my face when i get a context get

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you can't take me for a fool

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Why is he trying to destroy the economy?

Suez Crisis
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Remember when America and USSR teamed up to cockblock Europe?

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Does anyone have that series with Chudjak smiling, making friends, getting a gf, traveling the world, laughing with apu, and so on?

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>Canada Curbed Illegal Migration to the U.S. Now People Are Heading to Canada. The Canadian government has reinforced border operations to stop migrants going to the United States, a major Trump complaint. But early data shows people are, instead, starting to flee the United States for Canada. Stop sending migrants to us, America

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There is hair touching the back of my ear it's annoying

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Jōmon as fuck

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What song is that

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Have you gotten the snip yet to regenerate your thymus?

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I hate God for making me exist, even if It doesn't exist I still need to blame SOMETHING for this tragicomedy that is my life No it can't be myself either

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Who's Zelensky's real master? Did he make a deal with Putin before the war,is he working for putin?

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What's your opinion on tazing Poles to death? How often should it happen in your country?

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zelensky gets escorted out of the white house

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Jimi Hendrix, the goat rock star, died from choking on his vomit so

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my new video on pornhub flopped

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>Bernd becomes a pick up artist

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Orioles on Hallstatt, considered to be the world's most beautiful town?

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How do I stop my leftist city council from building (((bike lanes)))?

The Life and Times of an European Becoming American
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Great adventures await!

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Pic related, it's the Harlow shitposter bernd.

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>European minerals deal

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Started to read this nigger book about niggers written by a nigger from Nigger Onion?