What is a good place to pirate audiobooks? something like pornolab but for the newest audiobooks from audible etc. Thank you!
Can someone give me simple solution for TTS on Linux for reading PDFs , ePubs or whatever There is somewhat good ReadEra free app for Android but I dont want to listen over Android Just give me some simple straight forward solution that are not super shitty synthetic voices
This is my appearance whenever I listen to Joâo Gilbert sing Aquarela do Brasil, despite me not understanding a single word.
So I am 6 weeks sober today. I don't miss drinking or anything, the alcohol imagined tastes bad in my mouth, but you know? I sleep normally and have random normal/weird dreams. What I miss is the lizards and the lizard nights, they were always fun, somehow, after i became immune to any kind of pain.
I want to go to a dark techno club where dudes fap and jizz in the open. But I'm not gay.
wow im reading about a study from sweden with 14 000 colon cancer victims, cancer therapy (poison) only made a 2% difference on relapse = statistical noise
I want to learn how to edit videos but have no clue where to start, what does bernd use?
You can now become a citizen of the best country in the world at a cost of $5 million.
This is the average Brazilian who deal with on kc: delusional, brown, low iq.
python def func(arg, kwarg = None): if kwarg is None: kwarg = {}Humiliation ritual.
Computing used to be functional and aesthetically pleasing We didn't realize how good we had it
If you want a good laugh just check this archive lol https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/search/text/underage%20girls/type/op/
>One company owns both Fox News and NBC Damn communists right about everything.
I'm sick of all the pedos on this board making thread after thread containing their bullshit.
This ancient fucking WITCH is 87 fucking years old, that's crazy. She talks cringy feminist trash but her energy is decades younger than 87 years fucking old, that is crazy. she is so vigorous and clear minded, albeit she talks cringe
The name Jareth was an invention between Jim Henson, Brian Froud, Dennis Lee and Terry Jones for the movie, but I can’t find anything that specifies which of the four actually came up with the name, although Terry Jones was the main draft writer for the script. After some light research, it is suggested that Jareth is a compound name between Jared and Gareth. https://www.behindthename.com/name/jareth, https://www.ancestry.com/first-name-meaning/jareth. One thing that’s repeated but never substantiated, is that Jareth means “gentle”, but I couldn’t find anything to substantiate this claim This is in conjunction with a bunch of other low quality information, or just blatant misinformation surrounding it. https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3382/kjv/wlc/0-1/ Jared (ירד), hebrew for “to descend/descender” https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jared.html, is the name of the son of Mahalaleel, and is the father of the second Enoch as mentioned in Genesis chapter 5. The Anchor Bible Dictionary (1992), by David Freedman, says such on the etymology of Jared: “Explanations for the name Jared include: the Hebrew word for “rose” (Noth IPN, 231); the Akkadian word for “servant,” (w)ardu (HALAT 2: 416); the Arabic word for “courageous”; the Hebrew root, yrd, “to descend.” Noth’s analysis is possible, but it lacks parallels. While the use of the Akkadian (w)ardu in personal names is extremely common, the word does not appear in W Semitic. There is a replaced by the root ᶜbd, which is rendered abdu in cuneiform. The suggestion of an Arabic cognate also reaches outside of the W Semitic world for a comparison. On the other hand, the Hebrew root, yrd, “to descend,” does appear in W Semitic personal names.” Pg 644 (volume III) The James Strong Exhaustive Concordance, pg 120 of the Hebrew dictionary, states the following on the root word of Jared: “yarad, yaw-rad’; a prim root; to descend (lit. to go downwards; or conventionally to a lower region, as a shore, a boundary, the enemy, etc.; or fig. to fall); caus. to bring down (in all the above applications): - (come, go, etc) down {340x}, descend {18x}, variant {2x}, fell {2x}, let {1x}, abundantly {1x}, down by {1}, indeed {1x}, put off {1x}, light off {1x}, out {1}, sank {1x}, subdued {1x}, take {1x}. Yarad means “to descend, to go down, come down.” (1) Basically, this verb connotes “movement” from a higher to a lower location. (1a) In Gen 28:12, Jacob saw a “ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” (1b) In such a use, the speaker or observer speaks from the point of destination, and the movement is downward” toward him, and the movement is “downwards” toward him. (1c) Thus one may “go down” below or under the ground’s surface: And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neigher had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came uo” (Gen 24:16). (1d) The speaker may also speak as though he stands at the point of departure and the movement is away from him and “downwards.” (1d1) Interestingly, one may “go down” to a lower spot in order to reach a city’s gates (Judg 5:11) or (1d2) to get to a city located on a lower level than the access road (1 Sa 10:8)–(1d3) usually one goes up to a city and “goes down” to leave a city (1 Sa 9:27). (1d4) The journey from Palestine to Egypt is referred to as “going down” (Gen 12:10). This reference is not a movement in space from a higher to a lower spot; it is a more technical use of the verb. (2) Yarad is used frequently of “dying.” (2a) One “goes down” to his grave. Here the idea of spatial movement is present, but in the background. (2b) This “going down” is much more of a removal of the world of conscious existence: For the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for they truth. The living, the living, he shall praise thee...” (Is 38:18-19). (2c) On the other hand, “going down to the dust” implies a return to the soil—i.e., a return of the body to the soil from which it came (Gen 3:19). “All they that go down to the dust shall bow before him...” (Ps 22:29). (2d) There is also the idea of the “descent” of the human soul into the realm of the dead. When Jacob mourned over Joseph whom he thought to be dead, he said: “For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning” (Gen 37:35). (2e) Since one can “descend” into Sheol alive as a form of punishment (Num 16:30), this phrase means more than the end of human life. (2f) This meaning is further established because Enoch was rewarded by being taken off the earth: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” (Gen 5:24); he was rewarded by not having “to descend” into Sheol. Like with Jareth, it has been repeated, yet never substantiated, that Gareth means “gentle”. If I had to guess where this comes from, it is likely from poor phonetic translation. The first recorded instance of the name Gareth is from Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d'Arthur (1485), the brother of Sir Gawain, and the main character of Book VII. Sir Kay refers to Sir Gareth as Beaumains: “I shall give him a name that shall be Beaumains, that is Fair-hands” Pg 178. “My name is Gareth of Orkney, and King Lot was my father, and my mother is King Arthur’s sister, her name is Dame Morgawse, and Sir Gawaine is my brother, and sir Agravaine and Sir Gaheris, and I am the youngest of them all.” Pg 193 (Book VII). It also says here https://nightbringer.se/the-legend-of-king-arthur/arthurian-characters/b-persons-in-the-arthurian-legends/beaumains/ that Beaumains shares a connection to “Fair Unknown” whose name was hidden and then revealed to be Gunglain, A son of Sir Gawain and Blanchemal the Faery (Blanch means bleach. Emal is supposedly a suffix to indicate a process https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/emal, so her name would translate to Bleacher). This is also supported by the book “The Great Book of King Arthur & His Knights of the Round Table” (2022)”, by John Matthews, which contained a chapter titled: The Adventure of the Fair Unknown. Called Libeaus Desconus by King Arthur, and his quest to the Desolate City and his fight with the enchanter, Mabonagrain, there. “I tell you now that your true name is Guinglain. You are the son of Gawain and Blachemal the Faery” Pg 97. However, it should also be noted that in the chapter “The Wedding of Gawain and the Lady Ragnall”, it says that Lady Ragnall was the mother to Gunglain. “Gawain and Ragnall were joyful together thereafter and in due time the lady bore a son whom they named Gunglain” Pg 305. He also meets a princess called White Hands on his adventure. “This place is a dreadful place. Within it lives a damsel of great beauty called the Maiden of the White Hands. She is schooled in the seven liberal arts, knows the mystery of the stars, and the ways of enchantment." pg 92. Her appearance in the story is pivotal to the plot, as she is the love of Guinglain, and behind all the events of the plot: “Then she confessed that she had always known Guinglain would come, that he would leave her and return. Indeed, the whole of his great adventure had been her doing. She it was who had sent Helie to Arthur’s court to ask him for help. It was her voice that announced his true name after he had braved the serpent’s kiss. ‘You see, my love I have been waiting for you this long time’” Pg 100. This indicates some symbolic connection between the two subjects. Either way, this has some symbolic connection to Gareth’s story in Malory’s work, and Fair Unknown andWhite Hands are both connected to the meaning of Gareth and his nickname of Beaumains. However, I’m unable to find anything at all on the name Guinglain, so there I’m completely unsure of any meaning. Here https://www.behindthename.com/name/gareth it proposes that the origin of Gareth can be either Gwrhyd (valor), or Gwairydd (hay lord). However, when I look for the suffixes of “hyd” by itself, the definition seems less sure. When I look for hyd, all I can find is the prefix hydr https://www.etymonline.com/word/hydraulic, which is derived from a Greek origin, not Welsh. However, on this site https://wtname.com/gareth/ it asserts that “gar” means “spear” and “et” means “hand/rule”, and that Gareth descends from gwalch. “It is derived from the Welsh words “gwalch” meaning “hawk” and “ur” meaning “hand” or “rule”. Therefore, the name Gareth can be interpreted to mean “spear rule” or “ruler with a hawk-like vigilance”. Although the site lacks proper citations for these claims, it asserts the “reth” of Gareth to mean “rule”, which corresponds with “rydd” meaning “lord”, which reassures me that the name relates to rulership. As for the first syllable, Gar is straight from the old English Gar (ᚸ ), which comes from old Germanic Gebo (X) of the elder futhark runes. I’m also reminded of the name Edgar, which means “great spearman”, or “great gift”. https://www.behindthename.com/name/edgar “Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and gar "spear"”. So from that I’m reassured that gar is Anglo-Saxon (which is Old English), and means “spear”, and reth, which comes from Welsh “rydd”, means “hand/rule/lord”. Gareth would then be itself a compound of Welsh and Anglo-Saxon, and means several things: “spear hand”, “spear rule”, “spear lord”. It could even have a meaning like “gift hand”, “gift rule”, or “gift lord” based on the older meanings. This also coincides with Sir Kay’s nickname of Sir Gareth being Beaumains, which also refer to the hand, which is enough to make me confident that this is the correct meaning. If I take this into consideration, I can thereby assume that Jareth, as a compound, means “descending lord”, or “lord of the descended (underworld)”. The Labyrinth that Jareth rules over as the Goblin King is the Underworld, the realm of imagination, which can only be entered by traveling south (aka: descending). However, I also noticed an alternate interpretation in the name. If I separate the syllables of ja and reth, I wouldn’t actually have Jared, I would simply have “ja” (יָהּ) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3050/kjv/wlc/0-1/, which phonetically is a contraction used to refer to God (as the starting syllable of Jahwey/Jehovah (יְהֹוָה)) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h3068/kjv/wlc/0-1/. Therefore, one could also read it as “God is LORD”, this is relies on the phonetic similarities, rather than etymology. There is an even more subtle translation of this interpretation, which is “God’s hand”, which I won’t explain. What I can decipher is a name with two meanings of interpretation simultaneously. You can take either interpretation, or both. As an ending thought, this word is a good example of the lingual connection between Hebrew and Welsh that is often overlooked, but that’s a much more intricate topic to get into. If anyone reading, especially those with a better understanding of Hebrew or Welsh than me wants to provide more insight to this, please share.
What are the signs you've been noticing of society decaying? For me its been people have become worse drivers. Likely due to covid and more stress at work, and in life in general.
>order 2 units of thing from Aliexpress >when it arrives tell them there was only 1 in the package >they have no way of checking and they know they routinely make such mistakes >sell one unit >get refund for one unit >now you got that thing for free rate my idea to jew the chink jews also captcha is fucking atrocious
It'd be so awesome if I could be an apprentice of one of these guilds, then again is that something I really want? Probably not. It's just a thought, among a sea of thoughts.
Gentlemen, I have a very important announcement to make, please gather around. The announcement will proceed shortly.
i feel cringe when I only browse /biz/ and see jeets, kids and other low iq people living the dream of getting rich by investing in crypto or stocks. every adult knows it's a game for jews, they put millions to take out more millions, you'll lose each time. it was always a better option to buy an apartment than buying cryptos, you dont need to prove me wrong cause you can't the best biz board would be if we banned cryptos out *drops the mic*
When i was a kid, i was raped. I didnt know the man, he was pretty violent, he even tried to kill me by strangulation, but for some reason he began to regret what he was doing. I was very naive, so since he asked me "sorry, dont tell anyone" i actually never told anyone. Fact is that i never really understood why he did that, and i only discovered what sex is like 5 years later. I wonder how much damage this made on my psyche. I have a big sex drive and i like seeing violent sex porn, but im not a pedo or gay so i guess not that much
I didn't know you could learn what $&~ is at such a young age. I was 12 when I saw my first puccy in a porn and have a vague memory of finding it fascinating. Who is in the wrong here?
Never buy anything called "light" or "diet" versions. Holy shit. Actual cancer ingredients.
any advice on what I can do to improve my fashion and hair? i'm from the Uk ethinically Sri Lankan
I base my self worth in other people's validation. I'm miserable because I think about myself 24/7
I can't deny the truth any longer there is a conspiracy against me I'm being gang stalked FUCK YOU the shit that is happening to me isn't fucking normal everyone looks at me funny nobody treats me normally I'm surrounded by fucking freak CIA agent stalker FAGGOTS
>In most cases, "other bulls" (meaning those not used for breeding) are castrated and eventually slaughtered for meat, as the vast majority of male cattle are raised primarily for beef production; only a small number are kept as breeding bulls. does it sound familiar?
TALOS PRINCIPLE : REAWAKENED comes out on the 10th of April Mark it into your calendrar
i dun goofed i bought a shoe online and this thing is massive. it didnt look so big and sportslike in the photos now i have to wear this thing to go to work. people will rightfully think im retarded
Have you ever spoken with a psychiatrist? Doesn't matter if you had a provider-client relationship or your sister is one. What was it like?
This is ultimate proof that Christianity was invented by Jews to create Anglo nation who will provide them with protection and money If you are still Christ cuck kys
Who do I get a job in the first world? I speak English fluently and I have two years of experience as a sysadmin and some certifications under my belt.
Is there a tool the removes the many gigabytes of nvidia driver installer bloat? t.retard windows user with a small ssd
there is a race which lives in golden cities and spends their entire lives making candy and one which lives in evil forts and whose whole purpose in life is destroying the golden cities and plundering the candy who came up with this?
I don't need girlfriends or even industrial porn/hentai anymore. I have all my sexual needs fulfilled instantly by AI, powered by my chinese GPU card. This has lifted a very heavy weight from my psyche, and I feel liberated. The most exciting part is that videos are not even here yet.
What do you think it's like being a king, Bernd? I would imagine there would be alot of stress involved having to control your various vassals.
I remember a proxyball here claimed she's married, but I can't find any evidence supporting that claim. Is she really single?
The 21st century will be the century the basis for full communism to be laid
women are so fucking bad at cooking. they're egotistical as hell so no matter how bad their cooking it still tastes good to them . How you can fuck up chicken alfredo is beyond me. This shit tastes like a mouse died in it.
would you rather live in salton city-california as rich by american standarts or russia moscow as mid class by russian standarts?
Did you know that in Romania people are so wealthy, that they put jewels on their food?! I kneel.
>isolated loner >no social media >linux mint >pgp encrypted protonmail >sold his old pc with hdd removed >used rumble to share video 100% percent he was a pedo with TBs of material. what are the chances he even was an onion here?