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Suez Crisis
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Remember when America and USSR teamed up to cockblock Europe?

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Does anyone have that series with Chudjak smiling, making friends, getting a gf, traveling the world, laughing with apu, and so on?

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>Canada Curbed Illegal Migration to the U.S. Now People Are Heading to Canada. The Canadian government has reinforced border operations to stop migrants going to the United States, a major Trump complaint. But early data shows people are, instead, starting to flee the United States for Canada. Stop sending migrants to us, America

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There is hair touching the back of my ear it's annoying

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Jōmon as fuck

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What song is that

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Have you gotten the snip yet to regenerate your thymus?

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I hate God for making me exist, even if It doesn't exist I still need to blame SOMETHING for this tragicomedy that is my life No it can't be myself either

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Who's Zelensky's real master? Did he make a deal with Putin before the war,is he working for putin?

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zelensky gets escorted out of the white house

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Jimi Hendrix, the goat rock star, died from choking on his vomit so

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Ein döner mit alles und ein fanta, danke.

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my new video on pornhub flopped

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>Bernd becomes a pick up artist

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Orioles on Hallstatt, considered to be the world's most beautiful town?

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How do I stop my leftist city council from building (((bike lanes)))?

The Life and Times of an European Becoming American
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Great adventures await!

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Pic related, it's the Harlow shitposter bernd.

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>European minerals deal

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Started to read this nigger book about niggers written by a nigger from Nigger Onion?