>Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.
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Does voicing the shitty thoughts out loud affect reality? As opposed to being invaded with evil intrusive thoughts but not saying it out loud?
So why does the matrix spam you with cancerous cancer? The shit they spam from the news programs etc
Are women only against pedophilia because of envy of younger women? They don't seem to have a problem with their own children getting abused by psychopathic men.
girl on facebook with fuckin 760 friends, why did she feel the need to remove me? the last time we talked was 3 years ago sure, and we had nothing in common anymore, sure. but still the hastle?
>tfw bernd not royalty>tfw americans single-handedly abolished the throne of england>tfw a racially cucked kraut is freer than a britfag itt
Does anyone have the comic with an unhappy foid who is on a date with a guy and thinks things like "chad took me dorsia", "josh drove a porsche", "jamal had a bigger dick"?
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Due to the rapid advancement of AI captchas are getting harder to solve.
The other day I wanted to log in to my battle net account lI don't even like Diablo but some relatives asked me to play with them and I wanted to be nice) since I couldn't remember my password I tried to recover it.
It asked me to solve 20 puzzles, in each of them 12 images of dice are shown to you, and you have to pick the image where the dice add up to a specific number (the numbers range from 20 to 40)
How is bernt coping with this?
I hate God for making me exist, even if It doesn't exist I still need to blame SOMETHING for this tragicomedy that is my life
No it can't be myself either
FIRED Trump fires ICE boss for not rounding up mexicans fast enough
Grok 3 is pretty good. I am role playing as a slave trader. I am entering the city to trade slaves. Two of my slaves are siblings, I have the girl naked. And the brother is chained and cannot do shit. I didn't want to pay the tax to enter the city. So I allowed the templar at the gatehouse to rape the girl instead.
Im totally okay with brown and black migrants as long as they work in factories 18h a day for free and are not allowed to interact with locals and move on their own