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Question to physics nerds about curved spacetime
R: 5 / F: 2

So, what actually takes longer: 3 days needed to invade neighboring country or 24h needed to end said war? Can you somehow hack the system using humpback whales or a DeLorean?

R: 6 / F: 2

I'm on the cuck spot of the bus because I arrived too late

R: 7 / F: 0

I have to leave this world, it's no place for a man like myself.

R: 8 / F: 1

How come the Goymoney can count up all their votes in a matter of house and meanwhile California is still counting votes from an election that took place months ago?

R: 5 / F: 0


Radical trans activism cause transphobia
R: 5 / F: 1

Without a shadow of doubt, radical trans activism caused an increased on people not liking trans. To give an example, it is absurd the idea that trans people could compete against women in female sports, but this talking point was defended and is defended by trans activist. Instead of being like “Sorry, there is an unfair advantage here, and you can't compete”. I think this end up creating many to dislike trans people in general and putting measure more based on “pushback” than actually protecting women in sports or so on. For instance, what chances to other people if the symbol in your passport is F or M? Nothing. Unless you are want to cause an embarrassment to people you don't like.

R: 3 / F: 1

fuck you mods captcha lovers and gypsies

R: 6 / F: 1

"Go, tell the Warsawians, thou who passest by, That here obedient to their laws we lie"

R: 3 / F: 0

We must ensure the end of Ukraine and the future without hohol children.

R: 5 / F: 4

Me gustan los aviones, me gustas tú Me gusta LitauenBernd, me gustas tú Me gusta dibujos de ranas, me gustas tú Me gusta el Polan, me gustas tú Me gusta Bump de hilos, me gustas tú Me gusta la Nancy, me gustas tú ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu ¿Qué horas son, mi corazón?

King Child Sex
R: 6 / F: 3

I am the king of kohlchan you are less than the dirt under my fingernails #childsex

R: 6 / F: 1

I asked grok to write me a song about kohlchan, and it searched the internet for it, and found this article by amadeu antonio stiftung talking about us. They 100% have feds watching here 24/7. https://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Frauenhass_Online.pdf > The process around the Halle assassin has a frightening look Way made it clear that German authorities use imageboards like 4chan or the German-language equivalent >Unfortunately, within the im In the public discourse, the discussion of right-wing extremism included the discussion of anti-feminism, heteronormativity and misogyny underrepresented. >Misogynistic online subcultures 5 >Kohlchan despite the fact that a primarily white, >The male user base was radicalized and left largely unobserved: the journalist and right-wing extremism expert Karolin Schwarz had to be called in to investigate the perpetrator's virtual environment explain, as the expert, police and court largely agree on this were uninformed. >Imageboards like 4chan, 8kun or Kohlchan are platforms that present themselves as the last bastions free of the annoying “political correctness”. Internet and in which rape fantasies or Holocaust denial are the order of the day - of course “just for the sake of it”. lulz”, just for fun. The users of these imageboards also include: so-called “Incels”, i.e. “Involuntary Celibates”, men who are involuntarily sexually celibate.

R: 4 / F: 1

however bad you think you have it, i have it worse. you cannot even begin to comprehend the magnitude of overness that befalls me

Is there a higher honour?
R: 6 / F: 0

Since when do we have an official Igor banner? I'm jelly

R: 5 / F: 1

Why is Tema Lebedev so gay and cringe? he is High IQ so if you're lazy to do regular physical exercising then why not at least just go on TRT? you're a very intelligent guy, but you look like such a gay piece of shit

R: 8 / F: 1

Imagine living on the Amerifart

R: 4 / F: 0

Is it cheating to be wearing high heels as an urbanite? When I'm wearing high heels I feel like I'm fake and cheating, but it makes me feel more elegant, sexier.

R: 5 / F: 3

I crave this as much as I crave a woman.

R: 12 / F: 4

Disabled again. Dubi dubi duh...

R: 4 / F: 1

what do when depression, self doubts and loneliness.

R: 4 / F: 0

At the hospitalerino.

R: 4 / F: 1

Do Americans (non-Bernds) even care about what Trump is doing? Or are they back to what they did before the election, and don't care about Trump, Musk and all that jazz about Greenland and Russia etc.?

R: 4 / F: 1

>stalin when he found out a kid snitched his own parents to bolshekikes for hoarding food

R: 5 / F: 1

mmmmm fried bat

R: 5 / F: 1

Girlfriend arrived.

R: 5 / F: 0

I don't enough balls to eat my own shit and this bothers me a lot germans please give me some advice

R: 5 / F: 0

How do the ex-Soviet immigrants discuss the war in Ukraine? I haven't spoken with people since ages, I don't socialize. I am unable to stay cool-headed in debates, I tend to think like a borderliner (what about the other side of the medal) so I just plain avoid debating. Everybody is lying but I am a bad liar, I feel guilty telling lies. God, how I wish I was a shameless psychopath or sociopath.

R: 4 / F: 1


R: 4 / F: 1

Is he autistic?

R: 7 / F: 0

Brazil tier I guess

R: 23 / F: 27

This thread is about cats. Please discuss cats here.

R: 4 / F: 0

This is all I ask. Some kino happenings before I die.

R: 7 / F: 2

So many layered meanings: (1) the Old Hollywood running out of time, (2) Sharon Tate's unborn child running out of time, and (3) the characters not realizing yet that America is about to change forever and they no longer fit into it... The older I get, the harder this sequence hits me emotionally -- a pre internet world forever gone.

R: 6 / F: 3

this is who you argue with

R: 6 / F: 1

where is my captcha pass?!?

R: 7 / F: 3

this kikeshit worth watching? fucking 3h30m also, i want the "statue of liberty" destroyed for the feminist idol that it is

R: 4 / F: 1

The nigger is doing it again.

R: 3 / F: 0

Because of my neck pain I can no longer sit in front of the computer for long periods of time I spend most of my time in bed, kohlposting from my mobile.

R: 5 / F: 0

Fuck HR threda

R: 5 / F: 1

The Tate brothers finally managed to escape Romania. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c70wq044znxt

Assumptions about the average Bernd
R: 7 / F: 0

Eject your assumptions about the average Bernd. Male, 33 year old, underachieving, average attractiveness, social recluse, tends to drink too much, overweight but not obese, slightly to moderately mentally ill, has childhood trauma, thinks he's right wing but he actually longs for socialism, hates women but longs for intimacy with one.

R: 5 / F: 1

..Goodnight Whatever that means..

R: 4 / F: 2

wat does it mean if your daughter gives you this look when you're taking pics of her for instagram?

R: 5 / F: 3

Sputh African trans woman is a refugee in Germany. She stabs the Syrian security guard at her refugee center. Then she gets misgendered at a super market and teports the msigendering to the police. https://reduxx.info/germany-transgender-south-african-who-was-refused-asylum-standing-trial-for-stabbing-refugee-center-security-guard-to-death/

R: 9 / F: 1

How was Bernd's vacation to Kolberg?

R: 7 / F: 4

This darker black woman who looks like a man is so fucking jealous. Also, would the Mulata be considered White in Brazil?

R: 6 / F: 1


R: 4 / F: 1

They say that if you hate homos you are secretly gay. Does this mean that everyone in the world is secretly a pedo, since everyone hates pedos?

Snack Thread
R: 7 / F: 3

Post your snacks. Im fat because my school colleague gift me everyday lot of food. Pic releated today.

R: 5 / F: 1

Should I become a teacher? Pros: > Gooberment benefits > The entire summer off > Relatively low working hours Cons: < Bullied by zoomer students < Bullied by entitled Karen parents < low pay Extrapolate your options

R: 5 / F: 0

Frogs make cartoon about gay dogs

R: 6 / F: 3

Everything I like is illegal.

R: 5 / F: 5

"Europeans" when they realize they aren't the United States of Europe but actually just individually divided and conquered vassal states of America

R: 9 / F: 3

Raided the clearance section at the store. Got 130$ worth of food for only $40. When I build a house I will construct a bunker to stock after I make a map schedule to raid every store I know that has clearances. Right now I just don't have the room. Then I will dumpster dive and raid any place and app to find free stuff and free food. Basically Fallout 4 IRL.

R: 4 / F: 0

If jews are the reason why some white women are ok with having kids/marrying blacks, why wouldn't they repeat the same tactics but with arabs/muslims and indians instead?

R: 5 / F: 0

It's day 3 of being sick and I already feel good enough to open my laptop instead of browsing KC in semi sleep all day What are some comfy gayms I could play maybe some city builders and such? Something like RimWorld but more comfy?

R: 4 / F: 1

Cuckolds Of Crypto

R: 5 / F: 1

>le burning car in le woods So what's the actual meaning behind this 'joke'? The bear wants warmth so bad he would die for it?

R: 8 / F: 0

Reddit is down, wtf is going on???

R: 6 / F: 0

I start the day with a Lebakassemml, or better 2 Lebakassemmeln.

i love grok better than chatgpt. less censorship by jews tbh
R: 9 / F: 5

was child sacrifice secretly or openly practiced in the neo-puni civilisation and adapted phoenician religion after 146 bce? After the fall of Carthage in 146 BCE and the emergence of the Neo-Punic civilization under Roman rule, the question of whether child sacrifice persisted—secretly or openly—in the adapted Phoenician/Punic religion is murky, resting on sparse evidence, scholarly debate, and the shifting cultural landscape of Roman North Africa. Open Practice Post-146 BCE? Before Carthage’s destruction, child sacrifice (if it occurred as described by ancient sources like Diodorus Siculus or as suggested by tophet remains) was likely an open, ritualized act tied to the cult of Baal Hammon and Tanit. The tophet at Carthage, with its urns of cremated infant bones (some mixed with animal remains), points to a public, communal practice, possibly peaking in times of crisis—like the reported mass sacrifice during the Third Punic War. After 146 BCE, when Rome annexed the territory and later refounded Carthage as a colony (circa 44 BCE under Julius Caesar), direct evidence of open child sacrifice largely vanishes. Roman law explicitly banned human sacrifice (e.g., the Lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis, 81 BCE), and Rome’s cultural disdain for it—calling it nefandum (unspeakable)—would have pressured any overt continuation. The refounded Carthage was a Roman city, with a grid layout, temples to the Capitoline Triad (Jupiter, Juno, Minerva), and a push toward Romanization. Public tophet-style rituals, if they persisted unchanged, would’ve clashed with this legal and cultural framework. Archaeological Clues Excavations at the Carthage tophet show its use declined sharply after 146 BCE. The last major deposits of urns with infant remains predate the city’s fall, and while some Neo-Punic sites (e.g., Hadrumetum, modern Sousse) have yielded infant burials, they lack the scale or ritual consistency of earlier tophets. Scholars like Lawrence Stager argue the tophet tradition waned under Roman oversight, with no clear post-146 BCE evidence of sacrificial fires or dedicatory inscriptions linking to live offerings. Instead, these later burials might reflect natural infant mortality (high in antiquity) or a transformed rite—perhaps dedicating stillborns or deceased children to the gods without killing them. The absence of widespread tophet structures in Neo-Punic cities suggests open sacrifice didn’t persist as a state-sanctioned practice. Secret Continuation? Could it have gone underground? It’s plausible but speculative. The Neo-Punic religion adapted, blending with Roman practices—Baal Hammon was equated with Saturn, Tanit with Juno Caelestis—and retained influence, as seen in inscriptions and temple remains into the 2nd–3rd centuries CE. Some argue that rural or lower-class communities, less Romanized, might have clung to old ways covertly. Roman authors like Tertullian (a North African Christian, circa 200 CE) claim in Apologeticus that child sacrifice still occurred "in secret" in his time, accusing pagans of killing infants in hidden rites. However, Tertullian’s polemic against non-Christians makes this suspect—he’s pushing a narrative, not citing evidence. No archaeological finds (e.g., hidden tophets or mass infant graves with sacrificial markers) solidly back this up for the Neo-Punic period. If secret sacrifices happened, they’d have been small-scale, lacking the communal structure of pre-146 BCE Carthage. Cultural Adaptation The likelier story is adaptation. Punic religion evolved under Rome’s tolerant-but-watchful eye. Animal substitution (lambs, goats), already present in some tophet urns pre-146 BCE, might have fully replaced human offerings to align with Roman norms while preserving symbolic intent—appeasing gods with a stand-in. Neo-Punic inscriptions from the Roman era focus on vows, offerings, and temple dedications, not sacrifice of children. By the time Augustine of Hippo writes in the 4th–5th centuries CE, Punic paganism is fading under Christianity, with no mention of active child sacrifice, secret or otherwise. Conclusion Open child sacrifice probably didn’t survive Rome’s conquest and legal system past 146 BCE—the tophet tradition faded as Carthage Romanized. Secret practice is possible but lacks hard proof; it’s more likely the rite morphed into something acceptable (e.g., animal offerings or symbolic dedications). The Neo-Punic religion kept its gods and identity but shed—or hid—what Rome wouldn’t stomach. What’s your hunch—do you think Tertullian’s claims might hold some truth, or was it all propaganda?

R: 5 / F: 1

I think I hold kc record for the fastest time to drink a litr of milk. I just managed under 10 seconds.

R: 4 / F: 0

>Fyre 2 will go ahead on the Mexican island of Isla Mujeres at the end of May. >Tickets cost between $US1,400 ($2,206) and $US1.1 million ($1.7 million). Does bernd has his tickets to fyre 2? The owner is out of jail and ready to put on another huge party. After the last one this would be a must-attend for sure.

R: 3 / F: 0

I am incel that larps as volcel

R: 7 / F: 1


R: 4 / F: 1

Well kc?

R: 6 / F: 4

>europe is missing an anti-american and anti-russian political leader

R: 5 / F: 0

Got €12,73 begging today, GF might have been able to sell the copper I stole a few days ago, and she is preparing a traditional ROMAnian gluebag. Jelly? - Romanian

R: 5 / F: 2

I am watching a live press conference with Pooro countries and Jewlensky, and holy shit these people are dumb. Fingol president golf guy rambled on about how we need to spend more money. Von der Leyen stated how wonderful Jewlensky and Urine are. """"Journalists"""" asked softball questions. These are all idiots, and they are holding constant meetings and press conferences to continue this grift as long as possible. The FUCK are we ruled by these Jews?

R: 4 / F: 0

whats it like living with blacks and other kanackens in the same country and possibly near neighborhood? do yo not feel anything odd and already submitted to the nature you cant change as white male in 2025?

R: 4 / F: 1

New 'toss

R: 4 / F: 1

Canaga Goose no longer sells their jackets with the fur trim. Only no fur. It's over. I wanted that Chilliwack bomber jacket.

R: 5 / F: 0

I think Trump will accept it if Korea applies to join the U.S.

R: 7 / F: 0

She actually got murdered for real

R: 5 / F: 0

The European far right is not antisemitic, its not even anti islam just want to deport the "really bad ones" (aka murderers and rapists), its not racist and want to make racial relations between whites and blacks better, etc. What is "extremist" about them again? A random European neo-Pagan on X.com is more far right than the entire AFD. I dont understand the overreaction of the media

R: 11 / F: 2

Who's gonna stop this Georgian stud

R: 9 / F: 2

Is there any modern wect game where female doesn't look like ugly troon or something?

R: 4 / F: 1

I wouldn't be depressed if I had a gf with cute feet to worship

R: 6 / F: 2

Just did my 3rd set of interviews while applying for a fulltime job at McDonalds as a crew member. I sleep soundly at night knowing that the enemies of the US (iran, china, russia) don't have any jobs and don't have any McDonalds

R: 7 / F: 3

The guy who is secretly running Kohlchan made a video that was shown in New York Times or something. He explains why AfD bad. Thoughts on this very German video?

R: 8 / F: 0

Why the captcha is back? t. captcha hater

R: 5 / F: 2

I know the damages of a man who is raised without a father, but... What are the consequences for a man who is raised without a mother? If I had a son but he never got to see his mother, what could be the mental consequences? Would it be nearly as bad as not having a father?

R: 4 / F: 0

Trump will be found dead in few days

R: 3 / F: 0

> Latvians primarily live in the center and low-density subrbus < soviets primarily live in commieblock suburbs Imagine having a butthurt belt full of vodkaniggers that separates CBD from suburbs. I wonder, do Latvians in commieblock belt try to flee ASAP?

R: 3 / F: 1

This Kraut will be the next Furher of Deutschland. infa 8814% Screencap this.

R: 5 / F: 0

Have you seen this man?!

R: 7 / F: 0

/b is 500 posts away from the 1 Crore GET Why don't you go there and spam a little? maybe even post some gore and shit eating while you are at it?

R: 4 / F: 0

coworker talked about his new job after 6 months of being there, they sounded miserable and I noted that in my reply, telling them I feel sad for them. I don't know if that was appropriate but I genuinely felt like it. If it wasn't ok to say that I will know it in future now.

R: 10 / F: 2

Does bernd collect anything?

R: 7 / F: 0

What. The. Fuck.

R: 8 / F: 1

Americans, have liberals/leftist freaked out now that Trump is president? Tell us about how liberals have freaked out. Have you witnessed anything personally?

Bongs ban encryption
R: 4 / F: 0

>got a license for that SHA-256 mate?

R: 3 / F: 0

Learn German its your last chance We will attack Mutt Empire

R: 8 / F: 0

I'm so full of hate that it isn't even funny anymore, it's just tiresome. It's all so hopeless. God wants us to suffer for his petty little games.

R: 5 / F: 0

I looked at Canada's political system. They basically don't have an electoral college system because their senate doesn't really matter. And that explains all the open border policies. Liberals just try to flood the cities with human refuse to gain more power. Thanks for reading.

R: 7 / F: 3

If you are a clown, you are brown.

R: 4 / F: 0

There are a lot of Jews in Thailand. They like to come here for vacations. Where I am staying, there are several Jew businesses and a Jew center nearby. They all have guarded gates. You notice the Jews here as well. They are mostly short and unattractive. Think of the well known caricatures. They behave poorly. Yesterday I was at a shopping center and a woman set up her street hawker spot as a clown. She put on her makeup and costume and set was tying up balloons to appeal to children. Four Jews went over to her and started grabbing her balloons and harassing her. It's weird that these people are allowed to behave like this here. Or that they are allowed here at all.

R: 4 / F: 0

Colonialism brought about material wealth and the spread of technology but it did so at the cost of entrenching materialism and liberalism as tenets of European society. Had Europe avoided colonial expansion, it could have preserved its warrior aristocracy, spiritual traditions, and self-sufficiency while still advancing technologically through internal necessity. Rather than relying on colonial wealth, Europe could have refined itself through disciplined sovereignties, guided by a sacred order rather than mercantile greed. This path would have prevented the secularization and materialist decay that ultimately led to Europe’s decline, ensuring a civilization rooted in strength, transcendence, and internal mastery rather than fleeting global dominance. Europe would also have never introduced foreign races into its gene pool and living space through mass migration, a consequence of both liberal ideology and demographic displacement caused by war and colonial ventures and thus spared itself an existential racial crisis.

R: 4 / F: 0

Redditors are so cringe its unreal, and they are just like KC and 4channers despite what you say.

shitskin arabs
R: 5 / F: 0

useless shitskin arabs couldnt kill brown jew who entered into wrong hood sissy arabs are really useless, cant even beat a cat