Why do right wingers hate this? I get this stuff for 6k, and now for the next 15-20 years i don't have to pay for electricity and even make money selling power.
Near the end, why does the white guy in black points a gun at the burning corpse?
>fat niger: helping, being useful, being rational>white male: following his nature of serving the jews
I only have 10 euros on my bank account. Buying cigarettes (you have to buy 2 packs if you pay with card) is like 12 or 14 euros for 2 packs from the vending machine.
Its fucking over
What is Bernd opinion on this?
In el Salvador a wave of arrests had been made to cut down on crime.
Everyone involved with gang crime is being arrested.
They will all live in one prison together until the end of time.
The prison is like a city: 37 guard towers and eight cell blocks and will be impossible to escape.
chinese were planning to make a wide body aircraft to challenge airbus/boeing duopoly in widebody aircraft market
then russia came along and proposed a partnership
then russia invaded ukraine
now china can't get the rolls royce or GE engines needed for a competitive widebody because of sanctions on new partner russia
Vous êtes un homme français. Ça va suffira.
Instead of learning to play with toys meant for children and retarded, use your frenchman superpowers and have anal sex with exchange student girls (dans le Sacre Cœur, naturellement).
use pix.fr of course! it's totally not complete garbage!
but for real, refer to this site, start reading the documents in "COMPLETE GUIDE FOR THE PARANOID USER":
you can find how to disable javascript with a quick google search.
Long term GF of best fren is pregnant. They tried for a while and I am happy for him but basically I just lost him. No more getting fucked up and talking shit.
Reasons to stay in this shithole: 0
Total posts: 4,
files: 5 (Drowned at Thu, 20 Feb 2025 21:23:06 GMT)
That's due to dysgenic practices by the state, that promotes the breeding of undesirables.
If I woke up tomorrow and decides to kill every woman who is not hideously deformed, I guess you could say that beauty would be evolutionary disfavored in that scenario, but this is a temporary, artificial issue. The laws of nature can only be overcome for a short while until the consequences catch up to you.
But there is also truth in the statement that a higher IQ isn't inherently good in all natural environments. A higher IQ = a larger brain makes the organism more vulnerable, more resource intensive, childbirth is more difficult, and probably the biggest issue is generating abstraction to such a degree that reproduction becomes a secondary issue behind climbing the social ladder and non-productive pleasure.
In terms of sexual selection, several studies show that women prefer an IQ of roughly 120, top 10%, just like they prefer height in the top 20%. Both of these traits have diminishing returns, an IQ of 140 is less attractive than 120, and a height of 7' is less attractive than 6'.
>>25486167>Well, that's another matter. You asked what life I'd rather live and I answered.
I respect your choice.
He would've gotten even more pussy in that case for sure
Are digital goods really your property if the company can just change the terms of use after you buy them?
Why not just pirate everything in that case?
Total posts: 34,
files: 1 (Drowned at Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:40:46 GMT)
why is this even phrased as a question, nobody said it was your property, you were always buying a license
if you want to own digital goods as property, you have to buy shares in the company that owns the copyright
People don't realize how long that scam has been going on. The only caveat with physical media was the lack of a practical way to remove access in some cases (like books) but they perfected that with digital delivery. You are still not legally allowed to photocopy an entire physical book and distribute it. You aren't allowed to make copies of a music CD or video game installer and sell them or give them out to friends who never bought the legitimate product. People have been prosecuted over this.
Intellectual "property" as a whole is a FUCKING JEWISH SCAM.
anyone started to use silver for the health benefits?
I started putting a silver coin or so in my water to purify it and to enhance it's health benefits
Total posts: 8,
files: 1 (Drowned at Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:29:38 GMT)